NHS GP Patient Survey 2025


Please share with Neighbours and Relatives

We are aware some patients have received an invitation to take part in NHS GP Patient Survey online, this is not always possible for all patients and those that have been invited but not completed will receive PAPER questionnaires in February.

We would really appreciate patients completing this questionnaire about their experience with the White House Surgery.

Over 2.5 million patients aged over 16 registered with a GP in England have been selected randomly to receive the GP Patient Survey this year.

The GP Patient Survey is designed to give patients the opportunity to feed back about their experiences of their GP practice and other local NHS services.

It includes questions about a range of topics, such as how easy or difficult it is to contact your practice, the quality of care received from healthcare professionals, and experience of NHS services when your GP practice is closed.

The survey also includes questions about experiences of NHS dental and pharmacy services.

Paper Survey

We are sending out the paper questionnaire in February to anyone who has been invited to take part but has not yet done so.

If you lose your questionnaire after this time, you can take part online; please email us at GPPatientSurvey@ipsos.com for your access code and we will email this back to you. This may take a few days as all access codes are held securely.